Monday, June 27, 2011

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls...

...or do.

A friend back in Georgia told me about a great hike to beautiful waterfalls that I had no idea were just around the corner from our place. This past weekend, we checked it out with some dear friends to discover that it is pretty gorgeous. Mister loved it - he climbed some crazy rocks all the way to the top like a champ.

for some reason we felt the need to put him in this awkward pose

our pals

You can find the Trail Map here.

1 comment:

Jamie @ charmingly ordinary said...

This. Is. Gorgeous. What a fun little adventure! Will you take us there if we come visit??


I find that I am drawn to ideas. Whether they are brilliant, simple, or aesthetically beautiful (to my eyes), they tend to be other people’s ideas. I have much respect for people who have the vulnerability to bring their ideas to life. My first internal reaction is often envy, but then it becomes gratitude – and gratefulness for a creator that enables people to bring to life the ideas that He gives them. Occasionally though, one of those ideas is my own. They don’t come often, but when they do, no matter how small or insignificant they may be, I am humbled and inspired. This is a place for me to exhibit those ideas, mostly others – sometimes my own.