Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Never Ending Stair Steps

Found this stairwell detail really interesting...

Saw these during a visit back East this past weekend while my Mom and I were checking out a few properties. Also had the pleasure of going to the wedding of a couple dear friends and officially meeting Miss Baby Bukes. Still kicking myself for not getting official photos of her precious nursery. Her momma did a fabulous job putting it together.

Here she is with her uncle Lock...


Chris said...

Lock looks pretty comfortable here!

Jeanie collins said...

what a sweet picture of Lock! can't wait for you two to meet our #4 Mr. Lawson! He wore the jammies last week that you and Trisha found for him in Malibu--love them! Thank you!! having fun keeping up with the blog ;) keep it up!


I find that I am drawn to ideas. Whether they are brilliant, simple, or aesthetically beautiful (to my eyes), they tend to be other people’s ideas. I have much respect for people who have the vulnerability to bring their ideas to life. My first internal reaction is often envy, but then it becomes gratitude – and gratefulness for a creator that enables people to bring to life the ideas that He gives them. Occasionally though, one of those ideas is my own. They don’t come often, but when they do, no matter how small or insignificant they may be, I am humbled and inspired. This is a place for me to exhibit those ideas, mostly others – sometimes my own.